Your Health, Your Ally: The Role of Internal Medicine in Preventive Care


It’s easy to focus on the acute care aspects of your health, especially when you’re dealing with a medical problem. But preventive care is an important part of your overall health and wellness that can help you stay healthy and avoid disease. Say’s Dr. Manuel Abreu, preventive care covers a wide range of services including immunizations, screenings like mammograms and colonoscopies, well-child visits for children up to age 21, counseling about diet and exercise and more. Your PCP (primary care physician) is the best place to start when working towards a healthy lifestyle because they know you as an individual—your family history, risk factors and lifestyle behaviors—as well as what types of tests are appropriate based on your age group.

Preventive care is a core activity of internal medicine.

In addition to the physical examination, preventive care is a core activity of internal medicine. Preventive care includes regular health screenings and counseling on how to achieve and maintain good health. It also involves educating patients about how their lifestyle choices impact their overall well-being, including nutrition, exercise, smoking cessation and stress management techniques.

In this way, primary care providers (PCPs) serve as an important link between you and your family’s overall well-being by helping you make positive changes that result in improved physical health as well as emotional stability and mental acuity over time.

The role of your primary care physician (PCP) in preventive care

Your PCP is the first line of defense in preventing disease. They are trained to recognize and treat a wide range of health conditions, including chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Your PCP is also likely to be familiar with your family’s medical history, which can help them spot potential issues before they become serious problems.

Your PCP should know if you have any allergies, current medications or supplements being taken by any family members who live with you, any recent surgeries or hospitalizations (including births), previous operations on joints or bones (such as knee replacements), history of fractures that occurred before adulthood (such as broken arms), previous injuries involving internal organs such as stomachs/intestines/lungs etc., problems related to blood vessels like varicose veins and spider veins etc., skin conditions like psoriasis or eczema etc., mental health issues including depression/anxiety disorders

The way you live, work and play impacts your health.

  • Physical activity: Exercise is one of the best ways to stay healthy, and it can help you prevent or manage many common diseases.
  • Diet: Eating a healthy diet helps keep you at a healthy weight, which reduces your risk for heart disease and diabetes.
  • Mental health: Depression and anxiety disorders are common in adults, but they aren’t always easy to recognize or treat on your own. A doctor can help you find ways to manage these conditions so that they don’t interfere with daily life or work responsibilities.
  • Sleep: Getting enough sleep each night (7-8 hours for most people) is important for overall health because it allows the body time to recover from the stresses of daily life so that it has more energy for other activities throughout each day…

You can have an active role in your health care.

You can have an active role in your health care.

Your PCP, or primary care physician, is the first person to see when you’re sick and the person who will coordinate any other specialists that you need. Primary care doctors are trained to work with patients on a wide range of issues–not just treating acute illnesses but also monitoring chronic conditions and preventive care.

In addition, they can help you learn how to manage stress better so that it doesn’t affect your physical health or mental well-being. They also know which medicines are best suited for different conditions (and which ones aren’t) so that when a patient comes into their office with a list of symptoms for which he/she wants treatment options listed off like items on an order at Starbucks (or one of those fast food chains where everything on the menu sounds delicious), there won’t be any unnecessary medications prescribed because those medications may interact dangerously with other drugs being taken by either the doctor himself/herself or another family member who shares prescriptions with him/herself!

Your PCP is the best place to start when you’re working towards a healthy lifestyle.

If you are looking to make changes in your life, your primary care physician (PCP) is the best place to start. Your PCP can help you find a healthy lifestyle that fits your lifestyle and needs. They can also help with any concerns about your health, including medication management and preventive care.


We hope this article has helped you understand the role of internal medicine in preventive care. We know it can be overwhelming to think about all of the things that need to be done in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but we also want you to know that there are many resources available for you and your family. If you’re looking for somewhere to start with these recommendations or just need some help getting started on a new routine, reach out today!

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